The Diallo Group Mentorship

The Mentorship, Internship Outreach program is designed to foster relationships with young students, universities, and the community. Through mentorship, internships, and scholarships, we aim to impart industry knowledge, professional skills, and provide financial support to deserving students. Apply Here Professional Mentorship: Objective: To guide young students and provide them with insights into our industry. Implementation: Mentor…

The Mentorship, Internship Outreach program is designed to foster relationships with young students, universities, and the community. Through mentorship, internships, and scholarships, we aim to impart industry knowledge, professional skills, and provide financial support to deserving students.

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Professional Mentorship:

Objective: To guide young students and provide them with insights into our industry.


Mentor Selection: Choose experienced employee who demonstrate excellent communication and leadership skills.

Mentee Selection: Target high school seniors and college freshmen interested in our industry.

Activities: Monthly meet-ups, industry workshops, and site visits.


Internship Program:

Objective: To provide hands-on experience to students and identify potential entry-level employees.


University Partnerships:  Collaborate with universities to promote the internship program.

Selection: Choose students based on academic performance, passion for the industry, and interviews.

Outcome: Offer employment positions or referrals to outstanding interns upon graduation.


Objective: To support deserving students financially and foster their growth in our industry.


University Partnerships:  Work with universities to identify deserving candidates.

Criteria: Academic excellence, demonstrated interest in our industry, and financial need.

Award: Annually award scholarships to selected students. The number and amount can be decided based on the company’s budget. Annually pay for licensure or certifications

Promotion: Use company’s platforms and university channels to promote the scholarship.


Outreach Program:

Objective: To build strong relationships with universities and promote our industry.


University Talks: Organize annual talks at universities about our industry, potential career paths, and opportunities at our company.

Industry Workshops: Host workshops where students can get hands-on experience and insights into our sector.

Networking Events:  Organize events where students can meet our employees, learn about our company, and network with industry professionals.